
Our New Life Chapter

So the day has finally come. After much planning and saving we are ready to start our next journey together.

Jinny and I have been planning to travel the world for the last 3 years.

We made the goal while we were still working in Tokyo. Enjoying our job, but at the same time always stressed that we didn’t have enough ‘time’ or that we were just ‘going through the motions’. Work, sleep, weekend, repeat.

Honestly we were both very grateful for the fantastic friends, family and opportunity we had working in Tokyo. We had good jobs with good people around us. At the same time though, we knew that we wanted to challenge something more, and that was to travel before we had a family ourselves.

With that in mind we set up a target and rough time frame. After two years of constant saving and working hard we hit our saving target. Even with the decision we had made, it wasn’t easy to leave our life behind in Japan (did I mention we had awesome friends and enjoyed our jobs lol) but often the best decisions in life, are not the easiest.

So we sold everything, handed in our resignation and left Japan (our home for the last 10 years).

Selling everything in Japan was not easy
The hardest thing we have ever had to fit into an elevator

We still had sometime before we could start our travels though. We had set another ambitious target of having TWO weddings. One in Korea and one in England. Over 10months we spent time both in Korea and UK planning for these. We will write about these experiences too, as it was an amazing time for us to rediscover our own countries again as well as spend quality time with our family.

Our grand wedding in Korea
Our DIY wedding in UK

On October 7th 2019, on a wet and cloudy day we got on a bus to Busan, leaving Jinny’s home town. We had one night left in Korea before flying to Hanoi the next morning.

Ready to start our next adventure together

Thanks to the support of our family and friends. We were finally ready to start our journey, which has been three years in the making. To hopefully learn more about ourselves as well as the people we share this world with. We know at times it will be hard, difficult, uncomfortable and frustrating. But it will also be beautiful, life changing, educational and unforgettable.

We hope to share our experience with people as well as make a record for ourselves to always remind us about what we experienced while travelling.

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